
This site is meant for submission of classified ads(adverts). All types of products and services can be submitted by different companies and business men (merchants). Customers and buyers can get any type of product or service on this site. Site is powered by Gwani Software

Classified Ads

Classified Ads are submitted FREE for the first 15 days. Thereafter Ads are charged:

  • NGN 150 (US$ 15) per day,
  • NGN 4,000 (US$ 400) per 30 days
  • NGN 40,000 (US$ 4,000) per 365 days.
Expired Ads are automatically removed until payment is done.

Limit of liability

Products and services advertise in this site may not necessarily be that of Gwani Software, and because an advert is placed here does not mean Gwani Software endorses it. Ads are placed as they are, where customer or buuyer finds problem on any, should notify us in time, so as to take the right decision.

Setting Biz Radar

You can set radar on product/service category to a maximum price you can afford to buy items under the category. After setting radar you will be regularly contacted whenever any items under the category falls within the set price. There are always items that you can afford to buy, you will never know until you set radar.


Product & Service Categories